Example Serves
The following serves are not strictly from the scrolls. (That is, they do not appear in the books this way). However, they *are* based on the books, but do allow the slave to show her individuality, AND be pleasing to the Master/Mistress she serves; which is the whole point of Gor online..*grin*

Following are  a few quotes regarding serving. Online serves are loosely based on them.
Hey, they *did* kiss the cup!
"One of the men lifted his cup and I hurried to him. I took the cup and filled it...then I pressed my lips to his cup as I must, as a slave girl, and handed it to him."
        Slave Girl of Gor, page 89
No record of tasting the drink for poison though (at least as far as this one knows...but again, if the Master wishes it, *smile*, be sure to do it!)
"...in his hand Drusus Rencius held the goblet of wine. I had even been permitted to drink from it, from the side opposite to that which had touched his lips."
        Kajira of Gor, page 435
" 'Drink,' he said, offering me the cup.
I looked at the rim of the cup. I shook with terror. 'A slave girl dares not touch with her lips the rim of that cup which has been touched with the lips of her master.' I whispered.
'Excellent,' said Verna.
'She was trained in the pens of Ko-ro-ba,' said Rask of Treve. He then, from his own cup, poured some wine into a small bowl, which he handed to me.
'Thank you, master,' I breathed."
        Captive of Gor, page 302
Notice here, the head is down, arms are extended....sound familiar?
"This is to be contrasted with the common wine service in which the girl kneels, knees wide, before the man, kisses the cup, if permitted, and then, head down, humbly, arms extended, submissively, proffers it to him."
        Kajira of Gor, page 299
"I fetched him the goblet from a small. low table near the couch and in a moment, after kissing the goblet, head down, kneeling, arms extended, proffered it to him."
        Kajira of Gor, page 397

There are basically two types of serves done online, *hot* and *not*
If possible, one of each will be shown for many of the drinks.
(Please note, once again, this is not based on the books, but is an extension of them for the online community)
To see an example of a serve, choose one from the following list:
ale | bazi tea | blackwine | chocolate | ka-la-na | kal-da | liqueurs | mead | milk | paga | rence beer | sul-paga | water | wines |

Now, this is one drink this girl has never ever heard of, but it might be asked for it is called
"Cho" and is hot paga with chocolate melted into it. (Mentioned here only because it might be asked for, though it doesn't seem to have a basis in the books)


bazi tea
This serve is based on the the three cup method mentioned in the books, but adds a little something to it...a bazi tea serve by entyce{UG}
 rises gracefully from the furs and warms inviting smile playing over her lush red lips..she turns her
          sheer red silks swirling around her body..her glistening mane of honey-colored curls shimmering in
          the soft light and moves to the servery..
          ~~s~t~r~e~t~c~h~i~n~g her long elegant form to its full length she takes down the small silver
          teapot used for bazi tea and running her slender fingers over the smooth surface a soft smile of
          delight lights her face..reaching to the counter she takes a clean rep cloth and gently wipes the pot
          clean before setting it on a small brightly polished wooden tray..
          ~~looking back to the shelves she takes down three small black cups..each etched with the initials of
          the Master of the House in dark green lettering..tracing the initials lovingly she sets the cups on
          the tray and fills two small footed bowls with red and yellow sugar and places three small
          spoons next to them..
          ~~she sets a small bag of bazi tea on edge of the tray...and raising the tray to her breast she moves
          to the small firepit by the servery and kneels on the cool stone floor...wrapping her long slender
          fingers around the silver ladle she carefully fills the small teapot with hot water..the gentle steam
          rises..swirling softly over the velvety skin of her face adding a soft pink flush to her gentle
          ~~standing she bends forward from her slender waist to retrieve the tray..her silk sliding over the
          luscious orbs of her tight slave bottom and giving Master ...a small peek at the petal soft lips of her
          glistening slave sex..rising she spins gracefully and makes her way across the room..moving with
          small measured steps she makes her way to this Master...her bright emerald eyes shining with a
          enticing glow as a few stray strands of her golden mane fall softly against her cheek
          ~~gliding to her knees in front of the Master her firm golden thighs falling open to a wide and
          pleasing part as she leans forward..her full firm breasts straining gently against the soft silk..her
          hard deep-rose colored nipples jutting playfully against the sheer red cloth..carefully she sets the
          tray on the low table next to this Master..and opens the small bag of tea..the intoxicating scent fills
          the air and mingles with her own sweet fragrance as it swirls around Master..awakening His
          senses..daintily she take three small pinches of the tea and adds them to the first cup..then wraps
          her slender fingers around the handle of the teapot and fills it with the steaming water...watching
          as the leaves dance prettily in the hot water then settle slowly to the bottom..taking the first of
          the small spoons she adds one spoonful of yellow sugar and stirs gently..then raises the cup
          from the tray and tugs at the front of her silks until one pert nipple is exposed..slowly she runs the
          rim around the swollen bud to check for imperfections then lifts the cup to her lips and bestows a
          soft kiss on the edge..licking a few drops of tea from her lips and waiting for three heartbeats
          before offering the tea to Master...

          may this Master be blessed with fond memories of His youth and the playful days of childhood..

          ~~leaning forward to the tray once again she carefully adds three pinches of tea to the next cup
          and adds the steaming water..smiling softly as the water turn to a soft golden brown and the leaves
          settles gently back to the bottom..taking the second spoon she adds one spoonful of red
          sugar..and lifts the cup..nestling it in the palm of her hand as she tugs softly at the other side of
          her silks revealing completely her full firm breast..she gasps softly as the runs the rim of the hot
          delicate cup around her hard nipple..her emerald eyes closing slightly as she feels the burning in her
          belly begin to brust into a flame of desire..she looks to this Master and brings the rim of the cup to
          her lips kissing the edge softly and slipping her little pink tounge to the tea..she waits as her heart
          flutters strongly in her breast and offers the kissed edge to the Master..

         may this Master be blessed with vigor and strength in prime of His life so He may enjoy the many pleasures He is entitled to...

          ~~she leans forward a final time to fill the last of the small cups she smiles seductively up at this
          Master her honey colored curls drooping gently against her soft cheek and slithering down her neck
          to nestle between the soft curves of her breasts..she measures out the tea and adds the still
          steaming water..then taking the last spoon she adds one spoonful of red and one spoonful of yellow
          sugar..and stirs slowly..picking the cup up in her long slender fingers ...she brushes her hair to the
          side and nestles it of a moment in the valley of her breasts ..then turns it slowly as she tilts back
          her head and runs it up the long elegant line of her neck..dropping her head slowly she peeks through
          a veil of golden curl at this Master ..her eyes filled with the depth of her desire..and brings the
          delicate cup to her glistening red lips..placing a long lingering kiss on the edge..as she allows a few
          drops of the hot sweet tea to pass into her mouth..she waits for the count of three heartbeats
          then leans forward and turns the kissed edge to this Master.her lips slightly parted as soft gasps
          of sweetened breath escape her lucsious crimson lips..

          May this Master enjoy the His elder years..and revel in the wisdom and enlightenment that comes with the experience of age

black wine





A mead serve to her Jarl from His passion{D}:
Hearing His booming demand for mead, this kirtled maid rises from between the long benches where she kneels, with expeditious steps she moves toward the servery. The woolen garment, split to her belly, moving softly over her slave flesh, with each step displaying well the lush curves of His property girl.

Selecting for Him the choicest drinking horn, its contours well polished, its rim decorated with an ornately worked filigree of gold, passion inspects the vessel with a practiced eye, finding it satisfactory. With a glance toward Him, a lascivious grin and a calculated shrug of a tawny shoulder, passion frees a dark tipped breast from its woolen drapery. hooded amber eyes regard her Jarl as
she touches the rim of His drinking horn to the tender, newly exposed nipple kissed taut by the chill of the Torvaldsland eve. Turning it slowly 'gainst this delicate flesh, she insures its smoothness acceptable for His lips.

Turning now to the firepit, she lifts with cloth protected hands, the heavy, steaming tankard of sweet mead. Horn in one hand, tankard in the other, eyes alight with the contents of a joyful bond-maids heart, she hurries back to Him, her kirtle molding itself to every sweet contour of His property as she moves, bared breast bouncing lightly in time with its barely concealed twin, passion stops and kneels before Him, and before His eyes pours the strong mead into the carefully held horn. Its potent steam surrounding her face, reeling her senses, brightening the smile on her face.

passion lifts the horn the her soft lips, tasting the brew and as she regards Him with adoration, rings the filigreed rim with countless sweet kisses before raising it up to Him in offering…

"Your mead, my Jarl. May its warmth and Your bond-maid's heat keep the evening's chill far from You!"


The first paga serve would be considered *white silk* or *without heat*

A white silk serve by kalyn{Tg}:
            "yes Master, a girl will bring You Paga at once"

         smiling warmly with eyes lowered respectfully...she rises carefully and turns on the balls of her
          feet....silk covered hips moving in a pendulum like motion as she moves to the servery...her eyes
          lifting to to the shelves to choose the footed bowl she will use for the Master

          spotting it...she moves to the counter and lifts her hands to reach for the bowl...moving to stand on
          her toes....the muscles of her tanned legs becoming taut as her fingers reach to retrieve the
          bowl.....taking it...her stance relaxing as she examines the bowl for imperfections..fingers sliding
          over the vessel carefully....paying particular attention to the rim..satisfied that it is fit for a
          Master's use, she wipes the inside of the bowl clean with rep cloth

          turning, walking to the rack containing bottles of paga which hang from the pegs in their slings...she
          touches several..checking for a temperature which she knows will be perfect...smiling as she chooses
          one..she lifts the sling from its peg and hangs it over her shoulder...her arm pressing it against her
          side as she turns and walks back to the Master...her eyes lower to show her submission as she
          moves to stand before the Master

          dropping to kneel before the Master..her knees together as her bottom rests against her
          heels.....she leans forward and places the footed bowl directly in front of her knees on the
          floor....small hands move to lift the bottle at her side to her lips...her teeth grasp the cork and pull
          it free with a small pop....slowly she leans forward with the bottle cradled against her body...the
          warm clear liquid slowly poured into the bowl so that there is no splash..as the bowl fills she stops
          the pour and straightens her back...smiling slightly around the cork in her mouth as she adjusts the
          bottle and then recorks it...moving it again to hang at her side

          her fingers move to the bowl and lift it slowly and with care to not spill a drop....the bowl is pressed
          between her breasts for several beats of her heart and then slowly lifted to her pouting
          lips....hands gently turning the bowl as she kisses the rim......tilting it slightly, she sips the warm
          firey beverage and pauses to insure that it is indeed safe and the proper temperature....satisfied,
          she carefully offers the bowl to the Master with both hands

          smiling with lowered eyes..."Master, a girl hopes this drink satisfies Your thirst and that her
          service has been pleasing to You"

A red silk *hot* paga serve by tasia^{LTT}
raising her head with a quick snap, sending flaming tendrils of crimson hair to
 spill over her pale back... a girl will bring You anything You desire, Master...

 a girl scrambles to her feet, scampering towards the strong Master, falling
 subordinately at His feet...

Master, how may this lowly kajira serve You this night?

letting her silks unravel about her body, falling in a shimmering puddle at her feet...
how would Master like His paga?

as You wish it, Master
rising to her feet, pale skin shining like liquid gold in the firelight, hair like undulating flames licking at the melted mixture. she slides back three steps, reveling in the feel of the Master's eyes on her form, nipples hardening and slave sex throbbing at the thought of His hands against her body...then she turns, scampering towards the Necropolis' servery, ass wiggling with each excited step..

tasia's feet hit the cool stone of the servery, the dull pitter pat of bare flesh against stone a counterpoint to the feverish pounding of her heart in her ears. she sets upon her task, eyes roaming over the multitude of crockery adorning the servery walls, looking for a mug worthy of brushing against the Master's sexy lips. she spies one resting low on the shelves...

a silver bowl adorned with a jade tarn in flight, small orange stones simulating a blazing sun retreating behind the magnificent beast. tasia bends low, breasts sweeping close to the cool stone, arms snaking their way through the bowl's siblings in service to pluck it from it's position on the shelf. her thighs part wide, the lips to her throbbing slave sex brushing against the floor. like this, the pink inner folds are bared to You, to A/any caring to look, the flushed flesh dewed with further evidence of her need...

she pulls the mug free, cradling it against her swollen breasts, eyes darting over  it's surface for the tiniest flaw. but she does not trust her eyes, even though they find it perfect. no, she cannot risk the tender flesh of a Master's lips. she slides to bowl down her heated body, letting the rim rest against the outer covering of the core of her slave's need. she lets the rim slip between the puffy lips, delving into her liquid heat, brushing ever so slightly against her engorged nub. she moans in delight as the flawless metal strokes her so intimately...

she shivers as she thinks of the lips of this Master touching this bowl, this cool, unfeeling lover that touches her even now. she envies the future contact, wishing her flesh could replace the inanimate object. with a frustrated sigh, she pulls the bowl out from betwixt her trembling legs, bringing it to her lips, letting her tongue run along the honey coated rim, tasting the musk of her desire...

she leaves the sweetened bowl upon the servery counter, drawing her heated flesh across the room to the humid extents of the fire pit. she stops at the rows of hanging paga botas, running her hands intimately over the swollen animal skins, stroking the taut bellies, masaging them and feeling their heavy weight in her hands. she drags one bota from it;'s hook, trailing it down over the swell of her breast, her nipple gauging the temperature of the thin skin. the heat radiating from it makes the already hard nipple painfully taut, tasia's back arching against the light caress. she bites her lip against a throaty moan and retrieves the bowl from the servery, turning to where the Master sits...

she slowly approaches the Master's chair, her slow measured steps displaying her nude body abashedly, the bota and mug positioned so tantilizingly between her breasts. her eyes seem unwaiveringly focused on a Master's tightening breeches, licking her lips as she studies the growing bulge, wondering what the Master would taste like sliding over her tongue...

stopping before a Master's feet, sliding seductively down between His opened thighs, her own milky thighs falling wide open as she hits the furs. she places the bowl against her blazing sex, unsure of which is hotter, the paga, or her. she rests the bota in the Master's lap, the seething animal skin pressed aganst His rigid manhood, the neck and cork jutting forward like an unencumbered penis...

leaning forward, a girl takes the tip of the bota between her teeth, a hand snaking around the base to hold it steady. with a soft pop the cork slips free, surrounded by the contrasting pearly teeth and ruby lips. she tilts the bota even slightly, and the warm liquid flows out, splashing unerringly into the gleaming bowl. stray droplets splatter up against the girl's pale skin, the warm liquid sliding over her sizzling skin....

the bowl nearing capacity, tasia dips her head, lips coming to impede the free fall, the heady liquid coating the shimmering column of her long neck. she presses the cork back into place, lips wrapping around the moistened neck,  sliding down along it's length, then working it's way tantilizingly back up. grinning wickedly up at the One she serves, tasia lets the replaced cork slide off the tip of her tongue, a thin line of saliva following after her retreating mouth...

tasia rocks back on her heels, hands falling to cup the heated metal. slowly she lifts it, letting it slide along the flushed pinkened skin of her inner thigh, caressing the fresh brand Red Tarn had placed there, marking her forever His. she lets the bowl kiss her searing slave flesh, the silver such a nice contrast against the dewy red of her pubic curls. she lets the bowl trail up her slave belly, between her begging breasts, resting for three erradic beats against her furiously pounding heart. she raises it to her lips, tasting the paga swirling with the flavor of her arousal. then she raises it to the patient Master, her head falling lax between her two uplifted arms, hair blazing trails of fire across her ivory breasts...

Master, a girl hopes this paga sates Your thirsts, and that the slave that brings it to You has sated other needs as well...

rence beer

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