the musings of
His passion{D}
all rights reserved and retained by the author

Growing Pains


At Sunrise
As one, with joy, were structures built
As one, with excitement, were they decked and filled
As one, with pride, was herald the feat
As one, with cheer, was cried "look, see!"

By Mid-morning
They came, they looked, they saw
Some smiled with respect, some gazed with awe
Some criticized, Some offered advice,
And a few empty souls came just to pick fights

By Noon
Weary builders began to bristle
Labor bound unity began to fizzle
Once brushed aside remarks snide or cruel
Became stockpiles of volatile fuel

By Mid-Afternoon
The first fires were started
Anger flared, envy blazed, and hatred cavorted
Builders and guests alike came with stones in their fist
Unchecked burned the flames while they sought arsonists

By Sunset
There was little untouched by the flames
The fuel aplenty was fed to the blaze
In horror some looked on and whispered of doom
While others wept watching what they'd built, consumed

By Midnight
Charred blackness was everywhere
Choked and saddened some fought to clear the air
Some left, some waited, some wept, some hid
All waited for first light and final bids

At Sunrise
Small bands assembled in the rubble
Through the night much was learned of true hearts in small huddles
Scarred and battle tempered, not a one stood alone
As resolute were strengthened hearts to preserve
Their Homestone
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in this heart it feels like the end of an age,
and this soul does struggle with turning this page,
but where ever love, and joy does abound
the memories of U/us will there be found,
where ever hope does hold tight through dark nights,
something of U/us will shine a warm light
And though this may be of O/our fair time the end
in this tender heart healed, may You e're find a friend.
The feelings here were, are, and ever will be true,
With gratitude, Y/you're bid farewell, the best is wished for Y/you.

copyright © His passion{D} 7/98

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A slaves promise
For those times We are apart

Circumstances and realities
Intrude at times on You and me
Keeping Your girl from the joy of Your arms
Keeping her Master from that which He owns.
Your slave does here promise on bended knees
In times apart to be true to Thee
To strive to bring but honor to Your name,
In word, in deed, to ne'er bring You shame,
To obey Your word,
To await Your decisions,
To avoid the temptations
Of unapproved little missions,
To think of You often,
To smile at those thoughts
And busy herself as You say Your slave ought.
This slave cannot promise she won't miss You much
But comfort will find in memories of Your touch
Smile she will, while she plans Your welcome home
And never will she believe herself all alone.
It's so new to this slave girl to feel secure
That her One, her Master, does care for her.
This slave does promise that while W/we're apart
she will indulge neither pity nor a down trodden heart,
nor support impressions that her Master neglects her
not when she feels You, heart-close, knows you haven't left her.
Heart Master, may that which binds Us only grow
Know You're loved, adored, and thought of, where ever You may go.

His passion{D}
for her Jarl, Dlunlana

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blossom's lament

Once, not so long ago,
untended near well traveled roads this one grew..
few were her moments in the light
for the shadows were tall cast by stronger, fast growing weeds...
still, in those moments this one shone with all her might,
and fate did bless that in one of those moments You passed by.

Once, when first a flowers radiance caught Your eye
oft fell from your lips sweet words,
never in passing did you withhold tender caresses,
Your nurturing was fastidious, Your affections apparent.
Then You picked this one, and added her to Your garden
proud was she at such an honor, such a priviledge
to be close to and chosen by the One who saved her from the weeds.

Of late Your garden languishes.
this one, Yours, rare, chosen, collected crave Your attention.
Now, hidden from the eyes of all, forbidden thier touch
this blossom shines its brightest, blooms its sturdiest,
striving to catch Your eye and failing dismally.
this bloom shivers in the cold, gradually whithering in a sea of doubt
craving even the passing, and infrequent attention of the roadside,
missing even the struggle to survive among the weeds...

Of late, this blossom weeps in Your secret garden.
knowing not how to win Your glance,
knowing not what would bring again Your sweet caresses
to her soft petals, or the warmth of Your breath as You
whisper sweet words. Your blossom misses You so.

Please, return soon to Your Garden.

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my Jarl, my Heart Master

He is Master
He is Himself, always,
His values are written on His heart
His decisions based on His personally proven beliefs
and neither are subject to change
in the oft fickle wind of the opinions of Others.
He is neither unreasonable, unapproachable, nor intractable
When respectfully presented with previously unknown facts
He is secure enough to admit He is neither omniscient nor infallible.
He does not demand respect, He commands it.
He is as comfortable in the foreground as He is in the background
Unafraid of disagreement, yet not incapable of harmony
His worth does not lie in the opinions of Men.
To be claimed as His is the be fully owned.
To submit to Him, complete, and ceaseless submission.
He can be warm, caring, passionate
For His strength is not diminished by the expression of Love.
He can be cold, cruel, ruthless
For His character is not threatened by the embracing of Hate.
He is slave to no emotion, habit, or lust
He realizes that Mastery begins with Self.
He is strength, personified.
He is Himself, always
He is Master..

and this slave can be but slave at His feet.

the bond-maid His passion{D}
for her Jarl, Dlunlana

copyright © passion 6/98

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