the musings of

all rights reserved and retained by the author

He Was Not A Master

she closed her eyes as she lay beneath the towering figure,
her legs parted, openly inviting him to enter...
feeling nothing but his firm legs as they rubbed against her thighs...
entering, slowly his member slid inside...
she lifted her hands, pressing her palms against his chest, lightly
pushing him away as he continued thrusting inside her..
she could feel the coolness as the air caressed her wet flesh between
each thrust... her eyes still closed,
waiting to feel...
finally the girl lay back in the position of a slave, her arms at her
side, palms facing the skies...
immediately, chills rushed through her veins, she arched her back
towards him, though his body continued touching only a girls slaveSex
and her thighs....
she could not stay in the position, for he were not a Master...
again she lifted her weak arms, tossing her head from side to side,
moaning, releasing agonizing moans.. begging..
please, please... oh god.. please...
gasping for air, praying to god that he make her feel...
she could not...
though he was inside her, caressing her heat..
he could not touch her soul,
he was not a Master...
she could not release...
he filled her sex with his warm seed,
and it was over...

summisa{G} 4/21/98

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A girl wonders...

what is it in his words,
in his actions,
what is it...
that he does..
that takes a girl so high,
so far away...
what is it he does...
that makes her feel so complete..
as she bears her soul to him..
as he gently takes control...
as he consumes her...
making her feel so free within herself...
her core being naked and so vulnerable..
yet she feels so safe, so content
his property...
to do with as he pleases...
she, so willingly...
absorbing his control...
as he takes all of her...
sumisa{G} 5/3/98

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Never Have I Felt This

never have i felt this..
this place you send me..
its a place inside..
yet far from the reach of others..
a girl never knew of this place before..
she wonders why in her travels, she has never come upon it...
its such a lovely place...
so peacefull, serene...
the sounds she hears...
are silent sounds of music..
not music of mechanical instruments..
music of her soul...
a soft, delicate and soothing sound...
to get to this place so far away,
she cannot get there alone..
the entrance to this place sealed,
protected with a great power...

only his words, his commands can take her there..
she wonders why it is,
she cannot command herself through the entrance..
she cannot command herself back out once there...
it is such a lovely place..
a place where she is so free...
sometimes, she feels too free there...
sometimes, she feels that perhaps it is too far away..
perhaps this is why she cannot enter on her own..
perhaps, this place, so far away, yet so near...
does not belong to her...
perhaps, she would be trespassing should she enter on her own,
perhaps it is an unspoken law...that she not enter alone...
perhaps, this place, does not exist, when she is alone..
perhaps, it is the chemistry, that builds this place..
the chemistry...such a distant word...
perhaps, it is the meeting of the souls, that takes her...
perhaps... but why is it, only He can take her to this place she has never been...
what is it... such a lovely place, so far away...

sumisa{G} 5/3/98

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